GxP Auditing Services
GxP Auditing Services GxP is the keystone for businesses that protect patient safety and survive the scrutiny of regulatory inspections. Pharmatek offers GxP Auditing services that bolster your in-house team and ensure your high standards are met. Our global network of highly experienced auditors can support your inspection needs at every step of the development [...]
GxP Auditing Services
GxP Auditing Services GxP is the keystone for businesses that protect patient safety and survive the scrutiny of regulatory inspections. Pharmatek offers GxP Auditing services that bolster your in-house team and ensure your high standards are met. Our global network of highly experienced auditors can support your inspection needs at every step of the development [...]
Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
Good Laboratory Practice – Preparation and Measurement Good Laboratory Practice provides assurance that study data submitted to regulatory authorities is accurate, valid, reliable, and has integrity. Pharmatek has a robust team of experts with the experience and capability to conduct audits across the globe. Our audit capabilities include pre-study site qualification, facility inspections, process analysis, [...]
Computer System Validation (CSV)
Computer System Validation – Data Integrity and Process Improvement Over the past decades, the life science industry has progressively introduced computer systems to support clinical trials, manufacturing, control, and logistics processes. Consequently, these computer systems have become critical elements for regulations on electronic data integrity. Pharmatek Solutions employs experts with unique experience in computer systems [...]
Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
Good Clinical Practice – Results with Integrity The Pharmatek team includes qualified and trained subject matter experts (SME) to deliver quality services and meet regulatory requirements. Our highly competent team of specialist GCP auditors has conducted audits in a broad range of therapeutic areas in phases I through IV of clinical research according to international [...]
Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP)
Good Pharmacovigilance Practice - Performance and Patient Protection Good Pharmacovigilance Practice is the minimum standard for continuously monitoring, collecting product safety information, and providing patients, healthcare professionals, and the general public with timely information about adverse effects. Pharmatek provides a patient-centric, responsive, and agile pharmacovigilance services to our clients. Our global experts in pharmacovigilance systems [...]
International Business
Senectus accumsan malesuada cursus dapibus sem primis cubilia, per potenti fermentu massa pulvinar turpis taciti, pellentesque.